Industry News
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Arbor Day #TreeSelfie Campaign Success
On Friday, April 26th we took to Instagram and Twitter to light up our Arbor Day #TreeSelfie campaign for year three.
Faces of the Forest: Behind the Scenes
Our “Faces of the Forest” series is designed to do just what the name implies: put human faces on the families who own, and the foresters who work, the healthy forests on which our industry relies.
New Data Shows Positive Campaign Impact Continues!
The newly released 2018 Campaign Impact Report shows that among consumers aware of the Paper & Packaging – How Life Unfolds® campaign, preference for paper and paper-based packa
Paper 2018 Attendees “Virtually” Meet New Brand Ambassadors
The Paper and Packaging Board was a sponsor of Paper2018, held in New York City and attended by more than 800 industry professionals.
Learning on Paper Comes to Life in New Adult Coloring Book
P+PB's Fourth Annual Back-to-School survey and report provided the inspiration behind artist Jitesh Patel's coloring book illustrations in All About Paper: 7 Colorful Facts to Sharpen Your Mind.
The Results Are In: 94 Percent of College Students Associate Paper with Their Success
The fourth annual Paper and Productive Learning Report reveals that students, teachers and parents prefer paper to aid productive learning over other tools.