The Paper and Packaging Board creates preference for paper and paper-based packaging by reinforcing why paper is an everyday, earth-friendly choice that allows consumers to feel good about their purchase decisions.

U.S. manufacturers and importers of these products collectively fund the board’s efforts including the goals of the How Life Unfolds® campaign.


Our characters bring the campaign to life.

Our characters help tell the story of paper and packaging, representing the industry as brand ambassadors. They guide audiences through the important and memorable truths about the impact of paper and packaging - on our careers, in our lives and for our planet.




Board Members, Committees and Working Groups

Our board is governed by members appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Collaborating across dedicated committees and working groups, they inform the work of the campaign and represent the industry as a whole.

Find out more about our board members.

2024 Board of Director Meetings

Latest Board News

The Paper and Packaging Board Seeks Additional Nominations for 2025 Board
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The Paper and Packaging Board Seeks Nominations for 2025 Board
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2015-2018 Econometric Report

Under the most recent enacted Farm Bill, all federally authorized checkoff programs are required to have an independent economic evaluation of their overall effectiveness conducted at least once every five years. With almost $1 billion spent on checkoff programs each year by U.S. farms and firms, the government wants stakeholders to have independent information on the effectiveness of these programs.

The independent evaluation is carried out by Dr. Harry M. Kaiser, the Gellert Family Professor of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University.

Full USDA Report

An Independent Economic Evaluation of the Impacts of the P+PB Advertising by Harry Kaiser

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Executive Summary of Econometric Report by Harry Kaiser

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FAQs: About the Econometric Report


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