The environment is top of mind. Together, we are part of the solution.

During our first referendum in October 2020, I shared the P+PB Board of Director’s promise to evolve the focus of our consumer campaign to talk about paper and packaging’s unmatched environmental story. By the summer of 2021, we were rolling out new messaging focused 100% on recycling, innovation and plastic substitution, and the replenishment of forests that make our renewability story so compelling. Two years in, the results are impressive. The vision that drives our work and passion for this industry remains intact and is just as relevant and attainable as we thought in 2020. In a nutshell, our campaign is meeting the moment in a world more focused than ever on the long-term health and viability of the planet.
Let’s talk sustainability.
84% of our Expressives (our targeted consumer audience) voice increasing concerns about consumption of paper and paper-based packaging -- and guilt about waste. But we know their guilt is fueled by misunderstandings about our forests. 58% of these consumers think the forests are shrinking, and 61% think this natural resource is fragile. Still, 3 out of 4 Expressives feel positively about our industry and products. In fact, they prefer paper-based products over plastics, 2:1. That sets the stage for a timely story of environmental stewardship.
Our latest research has unearthed even more good news. Learning the truth about industry sustainability practices and product benefits dramatically improves whether Expressives see the industry as part of the environmental solution or problem. And we were able to change minds across the board. After hearing our messaging, paper perceptions improved by 32 points, paper board by 27 points, and corrugated cardboard by 33 points.
Here’s where the magic happens: when people feel like they are part of the environmental solution by choosing paper products, their likelihood of consuming more paper and packaging increases. Simply put, they feel good about what they’re buying, so they buy more.
We’ve also learned how to move the dial by connecting our industry and product sustainability benefits to consumer values and aspirations. We’ve pinpointed the specific language and messages that work. And with our roadmap in hand, our campaign has already begun telling a powerful sustainability story at a scale the way only we can.
The result? A 2021 and beyond where paper and paper packaging are increasingly recognized as a part of the environmental solution creating a strong playing field for our essential industry. Read more now about the research and readiness that will carry us forward.